Does smoking cause throat cancer

Does smoking cause throat cancer? | 4 min read

The answer is “Yes, it does.” Still, it seems there is a common misconception that smoking only affects the lungs and not the upper respiratory tract.

In addition to lung cancer, tobacco use significantly increases the risk of developing cancers in various parts of the body, including the mouth, lips, nose, sinuses, larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), oesophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, cervix, colon/rectum, ovary (mucinous), and acute myeloid leukaemia. Smoking adversely affects the health of your mouth and throat, leading to unsightly stains on teeth and bad breath. It is a major cause of cancers in the mouth, throat, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx, tongue, lips, and salivary glands. The risk of these cancers increases with the duration and intensity of smoking. More than 80% of cancers in the mouth, nose, and throat are found in people who smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.

Throat cancer refers explicitly to cancerous tumours that develop in your throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx) or tonsils.

Your throat is a muscular tube that starts behind your nose and extends to your neck. Just below it is your voice box, which can also be affected by throat cancer. The voice box is made of cartilage and houses the vocal cords, which vibrate to create sound when you speak. Throat cancer can also impact the epiglottis, a piece of cartilage that acts as a lid for your windpipe. Additionally, tonsil cancer, a type of throat cancer, affects the tonsils located at the back of your throat.

When to see a doctor

Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any new signs and symptoms that are persistent, such as:

  • A cough
  • Changes in your voice, such as hoarseness
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Ear pain
  • A lump or sore that doesn’t heal
  • A sore throat
  • Weight loss


Most throat cancer symptoms aren’t specific to cancer, so your doctor will likely investigate other more common causes first.

Factors that can increase your risk of throat cancer include:

  • Tobacco use, including smoking and chewing tobacco
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • The human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables


You can reduce your risk of throat cancer by not smoking, not chewing tobacco, limiting alcohol use and getting the HPV vaccination.

To diagnose throat cancer, your doctor may recommend:

  • Using a scope to examine your throat: Your doctor may perform an endoscopy, where an extraordinary lighted scope (endoscope) is used to get a closer look at your throat. A tiny camera at the end of the endoscope transmits images to a video screen, allowing your doctor to check for abnormalities. Another procedure, called laryngoscopy, involves inserting a laryngoscope into your voice box. This scope has a magnifying lens to help your doctor examine your vocal cords more closely.
  • Removing a tissue sample for testing: If any abnormalities are detected during endoscopy or laryngoscopy, your doctor may use surgical instruments passed through the scope to collect a tissue sample, known as a biopsy. This sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.
  • Imaging tests: Your doctor may recommend imaging tests to assess the extent of cancer beyond the surface of your throat or voice box. These can include X-rays, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET).


What can you do?

1Quit smoking

Throat cancers are closely linked to smoking. Not everyone with throat cancer smokes. But if you do smoke, now is the time to stop because:

  • Smoking makes treatment less effective
  • Smoking makes it harder for your body to heal after surgery
  • Smoking increases your risk of getting another cancer in the future


Stopping smoking can be very difficult. And it’s that much more complicated when you’re trying to cope with a stressful situation, such as a cancer diagnosis. Your doctor can discuss all of your options, including medications, nicotine replacement products and counselling.

2Quit drinking alcohol

Alcohol, particularly when combined with smoking or chewing tobacco, dramatically increases the risk of throat cancer. If you drink alcohol, stop now. This may help reduce your risk of a second cancer.


The prognosis for throat cancer largely depends on the stage at which it is diagnosed and treated. Fortunately, most throat cancers are detected early, leading to a more favourable outlook than other types of cancer. If you smoke, quitting after a diagnosis of throat cancer can further improve your prognosis and overall health.

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