Burnout | 5 min read

Do you have them? The tell-tale signs of burnout

 Are you feeling depleted of energy? It would be best to recognize the signs of burnout before it’s too late. Burnout is long-term exhaustion that meets diminished interest, energy, and passion.

What can you do about it?

You may suffer from burnout if constant work stress makes you feel exhausted, worn out, or sick. You would think it would be easy to recognize the signs, but burnouts often happen over time with very few indicators that your work and life have turned for the worse. Do any of these traits sound familiar? If so, you may need to slow down.

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by unbalance, too much work or responsibility, and too little time to do the things that need to be done, causing a prolonged period of excessive stress. You show signs of burnout if you feel exhausted, hate your job, and feel less capable at work. The symptoms of burnout are not always dramatic. They’re often overlooked or attributed to something else.

Signs and symptoms
Chronic exhaustion: When you are burned out, you often feel exhausted physically and emotionally:

  • You go long without caring for your body or getting proper rest. It’s a feeling of being completely drained of energy to move or think.
  • You go to bed physically and mentally exhausted every night and wake up tired every morning. Even when you get enough hours of sleep, you’re not waking up feeling rested and refreshed.
  • Everything feels like it takes too much energy and effort: visiting friends, going out to dinner, or going shopping – things you would otherwise enjoy and look forward to doing.


Deteriorating health: Burnout, in most cases, is caused by mental stress, which can take a toll on the body.

  • Some people experience a deterioration in their health, such as high blood pressure, insomnia, hair loss, vision problems, and back pain.
  • You have an illness you can’t seem to recover from, like having a cold that lasts forever.


Increased irritability: A clear sign that you are burned out is becoming short-tempered or easily frustrated with your work, co-workers, and family.

  • You’re unusually cranky and overly emotional. You feel like you’re frequently on the verge of tears, and why is not always obvious.
  • it’s a challenge to find Contentment and happiness in life.
  • You feel “off,” and you’re unsure why or how to fix it.
  • You act irrationally, like having an emotional meltdown or quitting suddenly.


Irritability often stems from feeling ineffective, unimportant, and useless, and an increasing sense that you’re unable to do things as efficiently or effectively as you once did. In the early stages, this can interfere with personal and professional relationships. At its worst, it can destroy relationships and careers.

Depression: In the early stages, you may feel mildly sad and occasionally hopeless and experience guilt and worthlessness.

  • You feel trapped and hopeless – especially after long working periods with no breaks or time off.
  • You are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts and perceptions about the workplace. You feel like you’re never doing enough.
  • it’s a challenge to find contentment and happiness in life.
  • you constantly feel like you have to prove yourself to others.
  • you seek the approval of others more often.


At its worst, you may feel trapped, severely depressed, and think the world would be better off without you. (if your depression is to this point, you should seek professional help immediately.)

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) on work

  • Being preoccupied with work to the point where it stops you from engaging in other activities is a sure sign of burnout.
  • You stress about work 24/7.
  • It would help if you had time to find a release to let go of work issues so that you can engage and enjoy your downtime.


Reliance on drugs and alcohol

  • A nightly need to turn to self-medication, drugs, and alcohol to cope with stress is problematic and a signal for burnout help.
  • You depend on coffee to perk up, alcohol to “relax,” and sleeping pills to rest. Poor work performance.
  • When burned out, your thinking isn’t as sharp, and your overall work begins to decline.
  • You start making more mistakes and becoming less productive.
  • You may get more complaints about your work, too.

What can you do to combat burnout?

Burnout isn’t like the flu; it doesn’t go away after a few weeks unless you change your life. And as hard as that may seem, it’s the smartest thing to do because making a few little changes now will keep you in the race with much energy to get you across the finish line.

  • Get organised. When you have order in your day, you feel more in control of how it turns out
  • Assess your interests, skills, and passions. Are the things you’re doing match your interests or core values?
  • Set personal goals. Although your boss may have a goal for your assignment, set personal goals to achieve milestones and celebrate your success. When you can measure your progress, it will increase your confidence and overall well-being.
  • Identify and manage the stressors that contribute to burnout. Look at your stressors individually instead of the big picture. They’re much less overwhelming, and making changes can be more manageable.
  • Seek support. You’re not alone. The support of loved ones helps with stress and feelings of burnout. You can also try communicating more with co-workers and your boss about your concerns and sharing ideas to enhance projects or improve workflow.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep restores well-being and helps protect your health.
  • Evaluate your options. What can you change about your lifestyle?
  • Get some exercise. Regular physical activity can help you to better deal with stress.
  • Adjust your attitude. Consider ways to improve your outlook. Rediscover enjoyable aspects of your life. Make the time to do things you enjoy.
  • Set boundaries. Set an end to your workday. Determine what needs to be done for you and your boss to feel you’ve had a productive day. Work to achieve the goals so you can leave at a specific hour and feel good about ending your workday.
  • Improve your diet. Drink a lot of water and eat well-balanced meals. Food gives you energy and clarity of mind. Avoid consuming junk food while working, as it can make you sluggish and unproductive.


Source: www.jillconyers.com

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