Understanding menstruation – it could save your relationship.

Understanding menstruation

Menstruation doesn’t only affect the woman experiencing it; it may also impact their partners.

What causes neck pain in men?

Neck Pain in Men

Poor posture strains neck muscles from leaning over a computer or hunching over a workbench.

Are you doing it? The importance of self-breast examination.

Self Breast Examination

A breast self-exam helps you understand your breasts’ everyday look and feel. The examination makes you aware of abnormal changes in your breasts or if one breast differs.

Foods that are rich in Collagen.

Foods that are rich in Collagen

Collagen-rich foods provide many health benefits. Collagen is a protein essential to the health and function of connective tissues in your body.

Testosterone boosters for men over 50?

Testosterone boosters for men over 50

Testosterone levels naturally decline as you age. A man’s ability to produce testosterone starts to decrease at about 40 years old, and levels continue to drop 1 – 3% a year after that.

Why do I have cramps and no period?

Cramps and no period

If you’ve come to rely on that pain in your stomach to tell you when your time of the month arrives, it can be unsettling to have cramps but no period.

Finding a balance, healthy eating in winter.

Eating Healthy In Winter

Finding a balance in winter is essential; stay on top of your diet and keep yourself well-nourished.

Sensitive teeth: Causes, symptoms, treatments

Sensitive Teeth In Winter

Sensitive teeth areusually occurs when the underlying layer of the teeth, the dentin, becomes exposed.

Should every woman have preventative healthcare check-ups?

Women must haves

Every woman needs to have annual preventative healthcare. Preventive care is any health care that helps prevent disease or illness instead of treating a condition when it becomes a problem.

What is the leading cause of urinary incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can happen for many reasons, including urinary tract infections, vaginal infections or irritation, or constipation.